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All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Class Description Bart Driver for BARTBartComplexFloatNDArray Implementation for the NDArray of float (single-precision, 32 bit floating point) values that is compatible with arrays expected by BART.BartDimsEnum Meaning of dimensions in BART.BartErrors BartException Exception that signals that something went wrong within the JNI call to a BART command.BartNDArray BartNDArrayMaskView A view for a ComplexNDArray that selects values based on a specified mask.BartNDArrayPermuteDimsView A view for a ComplexNDArray that permutes the order of dimensions.BartNDArrayReshapeView A view for a ComplexNDArray that changes the shape of the parent NDArray.BartNDArraySliceView A view for a ComplexNDArray that slices the parent ComplexNDArray.BartNDArrayView