Class Bart

  • public class Bart
    extends Object
    Driver for BART
    • Method Detail

      • execute

        public static void execute​(Object... args)
                            throws BartException
        Execute a BART command
        • Example:
        BartNDArray input = new BartFloatNDArray(128, 128).fill(new Complex(1,-1));
        File output = File.createTempFile("bart_", ".ra");
        Bart.execute("cabs", input, output);
        BartNDArray result = BartNDArray.load(output));
        args - name of BART command and its arguments
        BartException - when running BART fails for any reason
      • execute

        public static void execute​(Consumer<String> outputConsumer,
                                   Object... args)
                            throws BartException
        Execute a BART command
        • Example:
        BartNDArray input = new BartFloatNDArray(128, 128).fill(new Complex(1,-1));
        File output = File.createTempFile("bart_", ".ra");
        StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder();
        Bart.execute(outputLine -> str.append(outputLine).append(System.lineSeparator()),
            "cabs", input, output);
        BartNDArray result = BartNDArray.load(output));
        outputConsumer - a function that accepts a String as input. This function will receive the output of the BART command line by line.
        args - name of BART command and its arguments
        BartException - when running BART fails for any reason
      • read

        public static String read​(Object... args)
                           throws BartException
        Executes a BART command and reads its output to a String
        • Example:
        String result ="bitmask", "-b", 7);
        args - name of BART command and its arguments
        result of the BART command
        BartException - when running BART fails for any reason
      • run

        public static BartNDArray run​(Object... args)
                               throws BartException
        Executes a BART command and reads its output to an NDArray

        Note: It is assumed that the BART command to be executed saves its output to a file and it expects the name of the file to be specified as the last argument. When passing arguments to this function, this last argument specifying the output file name should be omitted as it is handled automaticall by this driver.

        • Example:
        BartNDArray array = new BartFloatNDArray(128, 128).fill(new Complex(1,-1));
        BartNDArray bartAbs ="cabs", array).squeeze();
        args - name of BART command and its arguments
        NDArray that holds the output of the BART command
        BartException - when running Bart fails for any reason
      • run

        public static BartNDArray run​(Consumer<String> outputConsumer,
                                      Object... args)
                               throws BartException
        Executes a BART command and reads its output to an NDArray.

        Note: It is assumed that the BART command to be executed saves its output to a file and it expects the name of the file to be specified as the last argument. When passing arguments to this function, this last argument specifying the output file name should be omitted as it is handled automaticall by this driver.

        • Example:
        BartNDArray array = new BartFloatNDArray(128, 128).fill(new Complex(1,-1));
        StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder();
        BartNDArray bartAbs = -> str.append(outputLine).append(System.lineSeparator()),
            "cabs", array).squeeze();
        outputConsumer - a function that accepts a String as input. This function will receive the output of the BART command line by line.
        args - name of BART command and its arguments
        NDArray that holds the output of the BART command
        BartException - when running Bart fails for any reason